Tuesday, July 11, 2017

IMAX Cinema Field Trip on Thursday

Here are few sneak peeks at the documentary 
"AMERICA WILD: National Parks Adventure"
which we are going to see at the Hemisferic IMAX cinema
in the City of Sciences and Arts in Valencia on Thursday, 6 July.
Here is our schedule for this Thursday.
(Also bring your imaginary climbing and camping equipment.)
  • From 9.15 to 10.00 h each class will be with their tutors.
  • At 10.00 h we'll be leaving for the MUSEU DE LES ARTS I LES CIENCIES gardens, where we'll try to visit any outdoors exhibitions they have, and our kids can HAVE THEIR SNACK.
  • At 12.00 h we have the showing: AMERICA WILD, but we should be at the ticket counter a half an hour before that.
  • at 12.50 h the documentary finishes, and the bus will be waiting to take us back to school.
  • At 13.15, w have arranged that all IMMERSION KIDS will have their swimming session.
  • At 14.15 the kids will get changed and be in class until lunch time (14.40 h)

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