Level 5

Show your parents what you did at school today.
Here are the Level 5 Game Challenges:
ESL Fun Grammar Games,Greetings Matching Sentences Exercise Game

ESL, Present Progressive Action Verbs Game Grammar Game

Present Simple vs. Present Progressive ESL Grammar Game

ESL Classroom Jeopardy Word Building Game - Prefixes, Synonyms, Suffixes, Adjectives

Gerunds and Infinitives ESL Grammar Game - Duel

Mixed Conjunctions ESL Grammar Game

ESL Classroom Spin Wheel Game Prepositions Game

A strange, alien spaceship 
lands during the night 
and an alien approaches you. 
It has a thousand different 
questions it wants to ask you.
Can you answer for all
of the humans on Planet Earth?
1.)  I come in Peace.  
Do you?

2.)  Are you from this planet?  Where?  
Have you got a GPS?

3.)  Can you take me to your leader?  
Have you got a leader?  Who?

4.)  On my planet, everyone has green skin.  
What about here?

5.)  Do you consider yourself to be from
an "evolved" species?  Can you prove it?

6.)  Did you know that we were out there, 
in the universe?
How did you know?

7.)  Is it O.K. if I park my spaceship right there?  
Are you sure?  I can't afford another parking ticket.

8.)  Have you ever been on television?
You look familiar. Would you like to be?

9.)  Can you lend me a few euros?  
All I've got is foreign currency.

10.)  Did you ever feel like you were being watched?
That was us.

11.)  What type of fuel do you use in your vehicles?  
Not plutonium?!?  That could be a problem.

12.)  Where can I get a good meal around here?
 I'm starving! It's been a long trip.

13.)  Where do you normally go shopping for clothes?
I'm going to need a proper human disguise, 
and I want to look good.

14.)  Could I conduct a few medical experiments on you?
You see, I've got this
Human Anatomy research paper due next week... 

15.)  From space, this planet looks BLUE, GREEN 
and WHITE. What was I looking at from out there?  
(BTW, it could use some mauve.)

 16.)  Nice Solar System, By The Way.
How many planets are there and what are their names?
(Just in case I find Earth boring...
What's that you say?...It IS boring?)

17.)  What does a human do for entertainment?
What do you do in your free time?  Can I join you?

18.)  I'm looking for a man named Stephen Spielberg.
  Do you know where I can find him?
Can you take me on your bike?

19.)  I have only come for a first contact / vacation visit.
I'm not here to save this planet.  
You can detect the pollution, melting ice caps, 
depleting resources, rampant apathy and TV talk shows
from light years away.  Who is going to fix these things?

20.)  Are you surprised 
that I'm speaking 
to you in English?
(Lucky for you we can communicate.
Otherwise, I would have to erase your memory 
and call the mothership to signal the attack.)
But I like you and you speak 
the interplanetary language: English.
I bet you're glad that
you paid attention 
in the C.I.A.M.
aren't you?
Take a look at the this ANIMATED IMAGE 
by DOUBLE-CLICKING on it and opening it 
in a new TAB in your WEB BROWSER.
What do you see?  What do you think?
Now, let's try some new ENGLISH ACTIVITIES on the World Wide Web.