Tuesday, July 25, 2017

What's the Story, Morning Glory?

Let's do some reading and listening!
(Click on the links below and choose what to do.)

Monday, July 17, 2017

English = Computer Games

Let's find out what you know.

Babel Cinema Field Trip On Thursday

Here are few sneak peeks at 
the romantic, comedy musical 
which we are going to see at the Babel Cinemas
in Valencia on Thursday, 20 July.

In fact, I'm including a link to a Simple English Wikipedia Page
for you to check out information and plot about
Here is our schedule for this Thursday.
(Also bring your imaginary dance partner and grand piano.)
  • From 9.15 to 10.00 h each class will be with their tutors, having their morning snack. (We are not allowed to bring food or beverages (drink) into the cinema.)
  • At 10.00 h we'll be leaving for the Babel Cinemas (Valencia).
  • From 11:00 to 13:00, we will be watching the film, LA LA LAND, in original version.
  • When we arrive back at school, we'll go with tutors to class and AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS.
  • We will be having lunch at school at the normal time, at twenty to three.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Computer Games = English

This week in our COMPUTER CLASS,
we are going to play and learn
on the following WEB pages.
(Use the mouse to click on the underlined links below.)

IMAX Cinema Field Trip on Thursday

Here are few sneak peeks at the documentary 
"AMERICA WILD: National Parks Adventure"
which we are going to see at the Hemisferic IMAX cinema
in the City of Sciences and Arts in Valencia on Thursday, 6 July.
Here is our schedule for this Thursday.
(Also bring your imaginary climbing and camping equipment.)
  • From 9.15 to 10.00 h each class will be with their tutors.
  • At 10.00 h we'll be leaving for the MUSEU DE LES ARTS I LES CIENCIES gardens, where we'll try to visit any outdoors exhibitions they have, and our kids can HAVE THEIR SNACK.
  • At 12.00 h we have the showing: AMERICA WILD, but we should be at the ticket counter a half an hour before that.
  • at 12.50 h the documentary finishes, and the bus will be waiting to take us back to school.
  • At 13.15, w have arranged that all IMMERSION KIDS will have their swimming session.
  • At 14.15 the kids will get changed and be in class until lunch time (14.40 h)